Viewing movies from the family couch – 1940s-50s
The idea of having to view movies from home is all started with the invention of the television!
So what is the ‘television’ and whet did it all began?
So, how does the TV work lah..!?
It works two ways, the TV has its own technologies, but we as a receiver has our capabilities that allow us to enjoy these advancements
- If u divide a still image into a collection of small colored dots, your brain will reassemble it into meaningful image
- The second capability? –as covered in the first lesson
Abbe Giovanna Caselli, Italy – “pantelegraph”
Transmit a still image over wires.
Boston civil servant George Carey designed “selenium camera” that would allow people to “see by electricity”.
Eugen Goldstein coins the term “cathode rays” to describe the light emitted when an electric current was force through a vacuum tube.
Inventors like Bell and Edison imagine devices that transmit image as well as sound.
Bell’s photophone used light to transmit sound – wanted to appit the same for images as well.
The Electric Telescope invented by Paul Nipkow sends images over wires using a rotating metal disk technology with 18 lines of resolution.
1900 – World’s Fair in Pris, the 1st International Congress of Electricity
Constantin Perskyi of Rusia made the first known use the word “television”.
The development og a physical TV system soon then followed 2 paths:
- Mechanical television, based on Nipkow’s rotating disks.
- Electronic television, based on the cathode ray tube
Campbell Swinton and Boris Rosing suggest using cathode ray tubeto transmit images
- independent of each other, they both develop electronic scanning methods of reproducing images
April 9th 1927
First long distance use of TV
Bell Telephone U.S Department of Commerce between Washington D.C New York
Charles Jenkins (pioneer of forerunner of the mechanical television in the US) was issued the first TV license by The Federal Radio Commision
Jenkins airs the first TV commercial.
Iowa State University (W9XK) starts broadcasting twice weekly television programs in cooperation with radio station WSUI.
About 200 television sets are in use world-wide.
Vladimir Zworykin and RCA experimentally broadcasts from the Empire State Building.
Television was demonstrated at the New York World’s Fair and the Francisco Golden Gate International Exposition.
RCA’s David Sarnoff used his company’s exhibit at the 1939 World’s Fair as a showcase for the 1st Presidential speech (Roosevelt) on television and to introduce RCA’s new line of television receivers – some of each need to be coupled with the radio if u wanted to hear sound.
Peter Goldmark invents a 343 line of (resolution) color television.
The FCC releases the NTSC standard for balck and white TV
Peter Goldmark, working for CBS, demonstrated his color television system to the FCC.
A red-blue-green wheel was spun in front of a cathode ray to create the color images. This mechanical means of producing a color picture was used in 1949 to broadcast medical procedures from Pennsylvania and Atlantic City hospitals.
NBC and Gillette stage what’s billed as the first “television sport extravaganza” - - the Joe Louis-Billy Conn heavyweight at Yankee Stadium - - in June.
Viewing with an estimated audience of 150,000 watching 5,000 sets.
For every TV set tuned into the fight, there are, on average, 30 people watching, many seeing an event on TV for the first time.
May 1947
Live theater equivalent to the Broadway stage aired on TV on a regular, commercially sponsored basis with the premiere of “Kraft Television Theater” – on NBC
Cable television is introduced in Pennsylvania as a mean of bringing television to rural areas. One million homes in the United States have television sets.
933 sponsors buy TV time, a rise of 515% over 1947
In autumn, FCC has issued 108 licenses for new station, with hundreds more applications pending across the nation.
U.S Dept. of Commerce confirm TV’s selling power when it reports in May
“Television’s combination of moving pictures, sound and immediacy produces an impact that extends television as an advertising medium into the realm of personal sales solicitation”.
The FCC approves the first color television standard.
“I Love Lucy” a half –hour TV sitcom, is born.
CBS broadcast the first color TV program on June 21, but only 25 receivers can accommodate mechanical color. Viewers of 12 million existing sets see only a blank screen.
NBC launches “The Tonight Show” featuring the comedian Steve Allen, on Sept.27.
For nearly four decades - - until CBS’s “Late Shoe With David Letterman” enters the scene in
1993 - - the show dominates late night.
Ampex introduces the first practical videotape system of broadcast quality. Most TV shows at that time are produced by the kinescope process.
KINESCOPE(Ancestor to the video tape) – find out what it is.
There are 525 TV system serving 450,000 subscribers in the U.S.
Advertising Age reports “videotape seems to be catching on like wildfire”. By October, 61 TV stations in the U.S. use tape.
Conclusive discussion
The sociological effect of the technological boom. What kind of social issues arrive?
Colloquial terms like ‘opium of the masses’, boob tube, teat box…etc? Why did these terms came to be? Hoe much hold does the television have over us? – apart from giving, has it also taken?
What do u think happened to the film industry with the introduction of the videotape?
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